Our Mission

The Friends of Archaeology's goal is to provide an atmosphere of friendship and support while pursuing opportunities for learning in our common interest of ancient art and archaeology. The Friends offer free public lectures and symposia on a wide variety of subjects, and low cost local day trips. The Friends is an independent, educational nonprofit 501(c) (3) organization, located in Houston, Texas.


Everyone is invited to join The Friends of Archaeology. Come join us for interesting archaeology and to make new friends.

Types of membership:
Individual $20
Couple $35
Family $40
Student $5

Please go to our Contact Us page to get in touch with us.

Our History

The Friends of Archaeology have been meeting for over 20 years on the campus of the University of St. Thomas (UST) in Houston, Texas. The Friends was created by Edward A. Bader, CSB, a UST teacher of archaeology and art curator, to bring together those interested in archaeology, art history and ancient cultures. To help foster the Friends, Father Bader developed: art and archaeology exhibits, a distinguished lecture series, informal symposium meetings, tours around Houston and the Gulf area, an extensive library of archaeological research materials, and travel expeditions to archaeological sites around the world.

Following Father Bader’s death in 2007, the Friends' Board of Directors wholeheartedly agreed to form a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization to continue the legacy of Father Bader’s work and to expand into other archaeological experiences. As a result, The Friends is now flourishing in many intellectual and convivial ways, as seen in the pages of this web site.